Tag Archives: Jellyneo


Well, after a full day at Disneyland everyone was still wiped out. So we didn’t get out to do sight seeing until noon xD

We went to the Science Center and did some learning :D
I think my favorite area was the aquarium. We saw a lot of fish and sharks. We got there when the diver show started. They feed and talk about the different fish living in that habitat.

Our trip turned into a research field trip for JN projects xD we saw a lot of interesting puzzles and games that may turn up on JN in some form eventually :P It was fun to be able to brainstorm project ideas in person. The brainstorming session we had with TNT was inspiring :D

After we left the Science center we stopped over at Coldstones for a treat then headed back to the hotel. We spent the evening playing munchkin and talking. We stayed up talking and getting to know each other better until 2am.

//Today the adventure ends. We have check-outs and departures. The end of JNcon 2011 ):


Disneyland was a blast. Of course it is the happiest place on earth.

Dave was determined to cover every ride we could. We managed relatively decent wait times on rides, and fast tracked the ones that took longer.

While at dinner, we took a consensus of what our fav and least fav rides of the day were. Our favorite rides of the day were Space Mountain, Indiana Jones, and our tour guide for the Jungle Cruise. The least favs were our tram ride to the park, it’s a Small World and the Gadgets coaster in Toon Town.

We had lunch in adventure land, and then had an excellent dinner at the Blue Bayou restaurant located in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. (it was well recommended). It also gave us time to sit down for a bit to do some JN related discussions xD

We stayed late to watch the fireworks show, then headed back to the hotel.

It’s late, so it is time to crash. Tomorrow brings more sight seeing around the local hotspots.


//Neopets Tour

Yesterday was a-ma-zing o-o

A tour at Neopets HQ. It was so surreal.

We got there a little early, but why would we want to be late D: They had so much planned for us. Customized Jellyneo.net welcome banner, artist sketches, goodie bags and lots of hush hush stuff.

Dragona made my day. I want to send her some socks. She mentioned a number of times how she notices me finding things early. I found the royal petpets a week early. Seeing it on JN they then realized they needed a redraw. It reminded me when I first started newsposting at JN. I posted the first ever desert petpets. I love locating petpet colors that never existed before :D

I’m also amazed at how much they use JN o.o Seriously, while Cupcake was sketching Kanrik for me, they used the Drsloth search for Kanrik. Made me want to lulz, I tagged all the kanrik images :P We got to see a lot more of JN while we were there too xD
Thank you Cupcake, I love my sketch :)

Thanks to all the staff that let us look over their shoulders while they were busy working, and all those that came to say hi and chat with us. That was really cool. And sorry we made you wait to eat lunch D:

Big big thanks to Snarkie for organizing this for us. Enjoy the red vines :3 She was amazing at answering our questions (those that could be answered) and showing us around. She made the experience fun.

I love the goodies we got to take home, I shall have to take pics of it all later.

I didn’t want to leave ;-;

//Dinner & Movie

After heading back to the hotel to unload our goodies, we headed out for dinner and a movie. We saw Super 8 in a huge theater o.o The movie was really good, I had no idea what to expect from it because I hadn’t looked up any information on the movie.

//On the agenda for tomorrow – Disneyland! :D

jn//NEGGHUNT ^_^

"If you aren’t delirious, you aren’t doing it right" – Megaphone Announcement


My personal favorite parts of the hunt have been the Faerie wheel puzzles. I worked on those for a number of hours, but I generally love doing puzzles like those anyway, so it was fun ^_^
The beast lair is a lot of fun too. First few times wandering in I only managed to go in circles, but I can navigate it rather well now. I missed getting a good screenshot of the beast attack though ): But here is Rosie in her desperation.


The Negg Hunt is exhausting, but a lot of fun. I enjoy throwing myself in the action and helping people through it. From last year’s experience, Illy and I pretty much took on the role of taking shifts keeping an eye on the news comments. [lots of modding, and helping with hints]. Love seeing the other staffers pop in to help as well :D Just jump on in and get in on the action o: *drowns you in questions*


Current Total # of Comments: 19,200!!
[We clear comments when it reaches 200, so I have to keep a tally each time this number is reached]

Commenters have been awesome. Making this event worth all the hard work Rosie and Kata have put into it. I’ve collected some of my favorites from the event so far. Love you all! <3

holseti, 04/8/2010, 12:16 pm NST
Exam went alright. This Negg Hunt is probably harder.

dark169, 04/8/2010, 1:11 pm NST
13 clues, 7 Neggs, 6 Rainbow Plushies, 2 Red Herrings, and a Dave Plushie in a Brain Tree…

guitar_champ980, 04/8/2010, 1:19 pm NST
Nynex, you should get your own trophy for being here all day and answering questions and giving hints! XD

dan4884, 04/8/2010, 1:25 pm NST
@cal – hmm…I think a better word than buddies might be pairs. But those pairs might swing both ways. *cough*

dan4884, 04/8/2010, 2:11 pm NST
I have to agree with holseti, this was a really great way to procrastinate on homework. =D

marfbear, 04/7/2010, 11:20 am NST
This hunt is entirely too engrossing. I got so involved that I forgot to empty the litter box and my cat peed on my bed! It’s all your fault!

drzoidberg, 04/7/2010, 2:50 pm NST
To JN Staff: Don’t let the Hint Grubbers get you down! This wouldn’t be half as much fun if you made it super easy. We owe you all socks/buckets/dung/respective objects of love.

gte847n, 04/7/2010, 7:28 pm NST
Just want to say to the staff that I’m enjoying this and now my goal is just to complete it. Going to "try" not to let it get me frustrated anymore as well, even if I don’t understand how everyone is getting it done! I think I’m struggling more this year than last year!

drzoidberg, 04/7/2010, 11:56 am NST
8 neggs, 2 herrings, 2 unsolved clues… and miles of work to do on the safe, vending machine, etc. JN: you sure know how to write a plot!

jazleigh, 04/5/2010, 2:02 pm NST
@nynex thank you!!! still don’t know what i’m doing but now i know what i should be doing…..
am I the only one who is gald JN staff do not wrtie plots for neopets? I’d be sunk!

simkim, 04/5/2010, 3:09 pm NST
I want to give kudos to the staffers for having the spoken text in written text. Being deaf, I REALLY REALLY appreciate that being done. Lots of Kudos!!!

drzoidberg, 04/5/2010, 3:35 pm NST
Six clues, three neggs, and infinite fun/frustration. Well done, JN staff! You’ve really outdone yourselves this year.
Back to hunting… sigh…

webcomix, 04/5/2010, 9:51 pm NST
I was going over the staff listing for fun and noticed that Joey’s gone! Awww. I loved Joey…his red hair, his igloo, his love for musicals and his hate for sweeping papers…
But that being said, I just want to say that jN plots are infinitely more fun than Neopian ones, mostly because they are much more puzzle-y and difficult =D Really pushes my brain to the max!

starr_2525, 04/4/2010, 9:13 am NST
@ Jellyneo Team
Its easier because you don’t loose all you answers whenever you shut down you computer + nothing seems time sensitive so far (lost egg #12 to that last year – checked the spot 10 times but never at the correct time)
The content is not easier though. This year’s negg hunt has taken it up a notch – its even better than last year’s hunt

larryland, 04/8/2010, 2:13 pm NST
Yay! Found my last negg! Thanks the staff for such a wonderfully difficult game

holseti, 04/8/2010, 2:09 pm NST
Awesome, I’ve finished! Now I can get to my actual work. Thanks for a great game, staff; this was incredibly enjoyable even if frustrating at times.


I used a tree to solve this thing! I kept taking notes on where everything was located, or how to finish up a puzzle. Officially I used up 18 pieces of paper with scribbled notes…but i’m sure there was more that ended up waded-up and tossed.


Quote of the Day: Math With Mike

“Mike” 7:52 pm hahah definitely still true… Mike + Nynex > Terry x Dave

*sneaks off to tell Terry, and Suzuka was there too*


“Mike” 7:55 pm i never needed math tutors. you just need to reinterpret your math
Nynex 7:55 pm it wasn’t me xD
“Mike” 7:56 pm haha i know. Mike + Nynex is greater than a value from Dave and Terry even when they’re multiplied together. thats how awesome we are 8)
Nynex 7:56 pm <3

PS. Happy Birthday :3

Undieing Affection!

More randomness
If anyone wonders why I lack updates, its because Im busy doing nonsensical stuff like this xP

Okay, so someone was messing around in my head yesterday O= And then I kept getting retired o=

A whole new meaning to mind control….

I always end up being the guinea pig :P …

Cheater ^_^

oh, not to worry. Its not the first time ;D This was from a few months ago, I dont remember what we were doing, but he demoted me to test something.


/Lab rat